
a problematic day

Today was such a bad day, everything (almost everything) I faced was a difficulty and a weird coincidence.
I woke up, after having a nightmare (actually it is just a bad dream). I dreamt of fighting a person (this is anonymous) whom I most hated and I lost. This fact made me very annoyed and thus I was already angry from the start of the morning (okay I am a unreasonable person who was so desperate that I decided to get angry over a small and harmless dream, but this dream harm I ego!)
After this, I went to school realizing that I forgotten to study for my chemistry test and thus I have only three and half an hour to study for the test from the subject that I failed (not terribly) in my end of year test (I failed not because of my fault the relief teacher did not even teach us what we do not know.)
Soon it was English and nothing went wrong until I realize I did not print out the blog assignment (which I am doing now) but luckily I still got a day grace.
The next period was design and technology and all went wrong when the teacher gave us to have a weird and we need to move in front in thirty seconds to sit beside another person from the front three rows but apparently the person that I was with coincidentally wanted me to sit beside him and thus I had to move behind.
A difficulty (or should I say problem) happened when I was going home and I was on the bus and my senior told me to give him the particulars form and then I had to alight the bus and take another bus but the bus broke down half way! I had to walk all the way back to school and I found up that I cannot find my senior at all (later I find up that he got maths lesson) and thus I had a wild goose chase around the school until I found another senior in the canteen, by the time, I am already dead tired from climbing the stairs for at least five times up and down!
Now I am really annoyed when I think of this problematic day and I cannot wait for the day to finish!

Nil Sine Labore,Wei Hang


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